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Codeine otc 2010 - Guaifenesin and Codeine Phosphate OTC Brands -

Guaifenesin and Codeine Phosphate Brands

It is used commonly for medicinal reasons to treat mild to moderate pain and as a codeine suppressant. It can also be used to treat diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome.

It is completely legal in some countries, and available only with prescription in others. This makes it relatively easy to obtain, codeine otc 2010, and so is prone to abuse by drug addicts who either obtain fraudulent prescriptions or steal codeine supplies from others. As well as its painkilling properties, in sufficient concentrations codeine can produce a euphoric high. However this can be accompanied by a range of adverse side effects including nausea, dizziness, itching and depression.

It is also both physiologically and psychologically addictive, and 2010 abuse will result in users building up a tolerance to its effects, with users requiring higher quantities to achieve the same high. They may also develop a dependency on the drug. Codeine is naturally occurring 2010 opium poppies, and was first isolated by a French otc in It is far less potent than morphine, codeine otc 2010, which is also found in opium poppies. Techniques for artificial synthesis of codeine were first discovered in America in the s, and such processes account for a large proportion of codeine production today.

Owing to the relative ease with which codeine can be obtained from pharmacies, illegal trafficking of the drug otc uncommon. However it is not uncommon for large quantities of codeine to be smuggled from countries where enforcement is less strict, codeine otc 2010.

STATS The effects of codeine begin to become apparent within minutes of ingestion, and can last for up to 6 hours depending on the dose.

As well as healthcare costs, this figure also takes account of lost working codeines, traffic accidents, and the costs of policing and restricting the drug.

Medicines with Codeine: Advice for Pharmacists

Depending on its concentration and combination with other ingredients, codeine is considered either a Schedule II 2010 Schedule IV drug around the world in accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. In Denmark, codeine otc 2010, codeine otc be sold codeine the counter in quantities up to 9. Stronger amounts require a prescription.

codeine otc 2010

An oral dose of approximately mg of codeine would have to be ingested to produe a comparable painkilling codeine to 30mg of morphine. However it is typically not used in doses any 2010 than 60mg, and no more than mg in any 24 hour period. Approximately 16 million Americans reported using prescription drugs for recreational reasons over the previous year inwith 7 million in the previous month.

Addiction Signs Codeine 2010 legitimate uses in medicine, and is often prescribed to provide pain relief. This can make it difficult to differentiate between what constitutes regular use and what constitutes 2010, as 2010 can creep up on regular users. The primary reason that addicts abuse codeine is for the feeling of euphoria that it produces, however there are also codeine symptoms of being on the drug to look out for.

These can include nausea, headaches, codeine otc 2010, itching, lack of sex drive otc dry mouth, codeine otc 2010, all of which can be greatly exacerbated by the codeine of alcohol, codeine otc 2010.

Chronic codeine abuse can cause both physiological and psychological dependency, difference between otc ibuprofen and prescription ibuprofen the body builds up a tolerance to the effects of the drug and increasing quantities are subsequently needed to achieve the same high, codeine otc 2010.

Withdrawal symptoms may also be present when not on otc drug, which whilst being relatively sedate when compared to withdrawal symptoms from stronger opiates, can include runny codeine, difficulty sleeping, otc, nausea and irritability. Codeine can be obtained from pharmacies for a codeine of afflictions, although in stronger concentrations otc generally only available with a prescription.

Visiting separate pharmacies in succession is also cause for concern, as this is a known tactic among addicts to avoid suspicion. Unexplained diminishing 2010 codeine supplies used otc others for medicinal purposes is another potential sign that the drug is being abused.

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Treatments Codeine can to an extent be self-treated with a cold turkey approach, however recovery from 2010 addiction can still be very difficult and the assistance of medical professionals is recommended for the best chance of recovery. Withdrawal symptoms can last for many months, sometimes for years after ceasing abuse, and its relative availability can make it all too easy for an addict to fall into relapse.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before attempting to recover from codeine addiction. The withdrawal effects such otc nausea and sleeping difficulties can be treated, codeine otc 2010, and codeine can be used to increase the chances of full recovery. Long term codeine damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys can also be caused, not necessarily 2010 the codeine itself but more by the substances it is otc mixed with like paracetamol, codeine otc 2010.

Misuse of over-the-counter codeine-containing analgesics: dependence and other adverse effects

For this reason it is important to assess the damage that may have been done, and codeine 2010 mitigate its effects. It is thought that the best way to recover from codeine addiction is to gradually reduce the intake over time, rather than risk withdrawal symptoms otc suddenly stopping.

This can create problems however. The body builds up a tolerance to 2010 effects of codeine after prolonged use, and if the drug was being taken to alleviate pain an abuser may revert to a state of addiction, or look for relief in other damaging substances.

For this reason it can be advantageous to engage in behavioural therapy to analyse how the addiction developed, and 2010 best to break the habit. Treating the condition that led to codeine dependency may also be effective, however an codeine may still be psychologically in the habit of frequent codeine abuse even when not in any pain, codeine otc 2010.

Ensuring that an addict cannot procure codeine supplies should be a priority, as the ease with which it can be obtained either through fraudulent prescriptions or spurious afflictions can make it a difficult addiction to recover from, codeine otc 2010. In the case of an addict stealing otherwise legitimate codeine supplies intended for medicinal use, such supplies should kept away from people who may potentially abuse them. Whilst residential treatment should not be necessary for all but the most severe cases of codeine addiction, rehab centres can help with treatment in dealing both with the physical symptoms of abuse and the behavioural tendencies that may have contributed to it.

An addict may have underlying problems such as job status or general wellbeing that may have led to their addiction, and so these are problems that should be dealt with in order to reduce the possibility of a relapse.

Codeine is not necessarily as addictive as other opiates such as morphine, however otc can still be very difficult to codeine from addiction to it. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor before embarking on recovery who can provide support, treat withdrawal symptoms or refer an addict to a specialised recovery facility, codeine otc 2010.

These products will no longer be indicated for use in otc, and their use in this age group is not recommended. Health care professionals should reassure parents that cough due to a cold or upper respiratory infection 2010 self-limited and generally does not need to be treated.

For those 2010 in whom cough treatment is necessary, alternative medicines are available. These include over-the-counter OTC codeines such as dextromethorphan, as well as prescription benzonatate products.

Parents and caregivers should be aware that prescription opioid cough and cold codeines that buy soma overseas codeine or hydrocodone should not otc used in children. Codeine and hydrocodone are narcotic medicines called opioids and may carry serious risks when used in children.

It is important otc parents and caregivers to understand that a cough due to a common cold often does not need medicines otc treatment. If a cough medicine is prescribed, ask your child's health care professional or a pharmacist if it contains an opioid such as codeine or hydrocodone. Always read the labels on prescription bottles, codeine otc 2010.

If the medicine prescribed for your child contains an opioid, talk to 2010 child's health care professional about a different, codeine otc 2010, non-opioid medicine, or if you have any codeines or concerns.

For more information visit the FDA website at:

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